Lawmakers address dyslexia in Kansas schools
Published: Apr. 29, 2018 at 3:53 PM CDT
Governor Jeff Colyer signed legislation to create the Legislative Task Force on Dyslexia. The 16-member task force will be made up of legislators, parents, and educators. They will evaluate current federal and state laws, rules, and regulations affecting students with dyslexia. They will also research and make recommendations for dyslexia screening, teacher training, and effective reading interventions.
November 12, 2019. Quote from “Decoding Dyslexia KS” Facebook group. Today the Kansas Board of Education passed these Dyslexia Recommendations with a unanimous vote of 10-0! Words can’t express how grateful we are to all of you who have supported us in our effort to ensure teachers are trained in the science of reading, students are screened for Dyslexia and ALL students are taught to read using structured literacy practices. Yeah, you read that right – ALL students! Special thanks to the Kansas Legislative body who heard our concerns and enacted a legislative task force on Dyslexia! That task force was led by the Kansas Board of Education member, Jim Porter. He is a strong advocate for our kids, we appreciate his leadership in bringing us to this moment! It’s been a long journey and there is still so much of the road yet to pave, but it’s happening y’all! So grab a kleenex, because if your anything like us, this will bring tears to your eyes! Here are the recommendations that passed unanimously and will be implemented in all accredited Kansas schools! #Dyslexia#untileveryonecanread#KSED#KSLEG#1in5#Dyslexiaawareness